Helping wounded healers heal, so we can heal our wounded world.

Akashic Reading

The Akashic field is another term for Divine Light, Source, or All That Is. It is the realm where all wisdom originates before it is made manifest through our collective consciousness.

In an Akashic Reading, I will open your soul’s record by saying a blessing channelled directly from the Akashic field.

In an Akashic Reading, you can gain clarity on a struggle you’re having; a decision you’re trying to make; learn about your soul path to help guide your decisions; or understand more about how your Higher Self manifests in this lifetime. In each life, we come to the 4D realm to learn lessons, heal wounds from other lives, and/or fulfill a sacred purpose.

The Akasha is not a fool-proof predictor of the future; both the past and future are malleable, and the actions you take today can have ripples forward and backward. The Akasha also flows with your free will, and will never tell you what you must do or else. It may reveal what the consequences of certain decisions could be, and leaves it to you to decide how to proceed.

Bring your clearly worded questions to ask your records. The best questions being with What, How, or Why? The Akashic Records honour your own free will and so can never tell you what you will do or what will happen to you. They may give suggestions based on the smoothest path to fulfill your sacred purpose, or they may remain silent if knowing the answer might interfere with your process in some way.

Akashic readings are $120 USD. A session lasts 45 minutes including grounding meditation, the Opening and Closing blessings, and integration time afterwards. While the records are only formally open during the session, messages may continue to come through for up to 3 months afterwards and I will share these with you as they come.