Helping wounded healers heal, so we can heal our wounded world.

You feel totally lost in your body, and
homesick for a place your soul remembers.

You long to return to where you came from, but deep down you know you’re right where you need to be.

It’s not your first rodeo—your soul has come before during these turbulent times to serve Life. It’s what you do.

And to fulfill its vision, your soul chose an incarnation with a challenging childhood, which has left your human psyche battered and bruised.

Your wounds are the source of your sacred medicine,
but they’re also what’s holding you back.

You’re starting to appreciate how much your upbringing has left you ungrounded and disorganized, which gets in the way of fulfilling your sacred purpose.

You’re a wounded healer and your service is desperately needed.

And right now, that means doing the holistic work of transmuting your past, learning healthier ways to soothe your highly sensitive system, and gently becoming comfortable in a human body.

After all, when in Rome…

The universe evolves in cycles and we have come here, at this pivotal moment, to share our sacred gifts.

In this turn of the great wheel, we are in a deep and profound unwinding of social contracts and cultural norms on Earth.

The Divine Feminine is re-emerging in all her essential power and chaos, and the Divine Masculine is reconfiguring its strength and protection at all levels of expression.

Outwardly, this deep transformation manifests as destruction and disorder. And if your mind and body are still wounded from the initiation rites of your youth, you’ll react to this upheaval with despair.

And then your soul will be blocked from its sacred work.

Knowing you needs healing, your soul has guided you here to help you unlock your inner wisdom so that your healing can get unstuck.

I am a bridge between the etheric and the rational.

I believe in reincarnation and the supernatural, and I have a PhD in Physics. I’m certain that the Earth is round and that childhood vaccines save lives; and I am profoundly aware that we create our external reality through our sincerest beliefs. I carry soul imprints from Atlantis and the burning times, but they don’t define my human identity.

I started this life desperate to understand how the universe works, which led me to academia. When I recognized that science was yet incapable of grasping the profound mysteries of creation, I started to explore my mystical roots through yoga and meditation.

Following my spiritual awakening in India, I started working full-time on my healing through relational practices and holistic retreats. I’ve overcome addiction, learned how to settle my nervous system, and transmuted the attachment wounds from my early childhood into sacred medicine.

I’ve spent thousands of hours mastering mindful relating, nervous system regulation, and embodiment.

Now I practice these tools with others like myself—those of us who have had millions of lives on thousands of worlds, coming down faith-fully during Pachakuti world turnings across the galaxy to lovingly steer young souls back to wholeness.

Remember your wholeness

Re-awakening to your spiritual nature can be scary and disorienting. Some of this can be mitigated by reminding your body of its physical nature and using ancient and holistic practices, passed down for generations, forgotten and then remembered in modernity.

I work holistically with mystics and lightworkers—energy healers, mediums & channelers, wisdom keepers, and incarnated light beings (fae, angels, star seeds, elementals). I can help you settle into your human incarnation so you can fulfill your soul destiny.

On the spiritual and emotional dimensions, I assist your divine nature in shifting shadow imprints and healing past-life wounds that hold you back from expressing your full power. Spirit does the heavy lifting—I’m mostly there to spot your reps.

On the physical, mental, and relational dimensions, we work on skills to increase your earthly capacity to be human; namely, relating with other humans, with your inner body, and with your outer environment.

Your body is of this earth and already knows how to be in this physical form; you just need to reconnect that awareness with your soul identity, inviting a greater sense of wholeness and acceptance.

I wouldn’t be where I am today without those who helped me feel safe in my body and integrate my spirituality.

While there are many paths to fuller living, having a guide who’s already travelled this journey can make all the difference.

The simple act of being witnessed as you explore new territories of experience can open doors you might never have noticed alone.

What is working with me like?

I guide people to connect with the truths their souls already know, but which their minds and bodies hold back, hidden in darkness, fear, and insecurity.

Together we’ll transform one another through connection, presence, and wholeness. Through resonance, we’ll claim our true light and empower ourselves to step into the fullness of spirit as life.

My work invites you into wholeness through three modalities:

  • Nervous system regulation: Balance your body’s stress responses, fostering well-being and resilience.
  • Focusing: Access the felt sense of your inner world as a subtle, pre-verbal bodily awareness.
  • Relatefulness: Bring presence and awareness into your personal and professional relationships.

This work demands your curiosity, openness, and a willingness to explore beyond familiar territories. It is not for the faint of Spirit.

Areas of Healing

Our work together might include:

  • Emotional Resilience
  • Healthy Boundaries
  • Imposter Syndrome
  • Addiction & Compulsion
  • Self-compassion & Self-forgiveness
  • Supportive Community
  • Honest Expression
  • Empowerment
  • Meaningful Impact